Slovenská legálna metrológia, n. o..

Slovenská legálna metrológia, n. o.

Hviezdoslavova 31, 974 01 Banská Bystrica

Slovak Legal Metrology through its own specialized calibration and testing laboratories SLM, provides its services in the following fields:

  • research, development, and innovation of methods of transferring the measurement units and scales from national standards to other standards and measuring instruments, measurement methods and procedures within the metrological control of measuring instruments and development of new and innovation of already used generation of testing and calibration devices,
  • calibration and verification of measuring instruments in accordance with Act No. 142/2000 Coll. on metrology and conformity assessment of measuring instruments according to EU directives,
  • testing metrological, physical and mechanical, as well as chemical properties of measuring instruments, and their utility parameters,
  • official measurements in accordance with Act No. 142/2000 Coll. on metrology, including measurements of personal dose equivalents within the personal dosimetric quantities.

The testing and calibration laboratories of Slovak Legal Metrology are accredited according to STN EN ISO/EC 17025. The Products Certification Body is accredited according to STN EN 45011.

SLM takes part in the international cooperation within the worldwide International Organization of Legal Metrology OIML. On the European level, SLM is the active member of several Working groups of WELMEC – European Cooperation in Legal Metrology.

Slovak Legal Metrology is the Certificate and Slovak Gold Medal awardee as well as the winner of Slovak Republic National Price for Quality.

Quick contact

+421 02 456 41 451

+421 905 532 736

Geologická 1, 821 06 Bratislava

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